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DThe Higher Military School of the Internal Troops was established as a Teaching Camp in the territory of Qala settlement of the Khazar district of Baku by the order of the Internal Troops Command dated on 30 September 1994.
The establishment of a Training Center, meeting the requirements of the Internal Troops in accordance with the terms of Protocol on Training and Rear assistance to the Staff of Headquarters of Internal Troops by Turkish Military Police organization executed by Azerbaijan and Turkey on 31.10.1997, was started.
On July 5, 2001, it started to function as a Training Center under the decree of the Command of the Internal Troops.
By the order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated on September 20, 2003, a military unit "N" was established on the basis of the Training Center and according to the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated on April 17, 2006, the Secondary Military School of the Internal Troops was founded under that military unit.
On July 4, 2008, the minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Colonel-General Ramil Usubov presented a war flag to the military unit.
The Higher Military School of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was established on the basis of the Secondary Military School by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated on 25 February 2011.
The Charter of the Higher Military School was approved by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated on July 9, 2012.
Chief of the Higher Military School of Interior Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Major General- Mammadov Ilgar Aydin oglu
By the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated on February 25, 2014, Major General Mammadov Ilgar Aydin oglu was appointed to the position of Chief of the Higher Military School of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
Mammadov Ilgar Aydin oglu was born on October 7, 1970 in Ali Bayramli, Azerbaijan.
He graduated from the Lviv Higher Military School of the USSR Armed Forces in 1991, the Military Academy of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Azerbaijan in 2005 and the Military Academy of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Turkey in 2009. In 1991-1992 served as an officer in the Armed Forces of the USSR.
In 1992-2013, he served as the Deputy Commander on the educational works of the battalion of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Deputy Commander of the battalion – Chief of Staff, the First Deputy Commander of the detached battalion, Assistant of the regiment commander on the educational works, the battalion commander, chief of educational regiment, the first deputy of regiment commander, head of the staff, commander of the regiment, deputy chief of the Higher Military School - Chief of Staff.
By the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated on March 8, 2014, he was granted with the rank of Major General.
He was awarded "for military service" by the Order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated on March 11, 2008.
He is married. He has two children.
Candidates for admission to the Higher Military School of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs should know the Azerbaijani language fluently, have least 165 cm height, who are registered as recruits in the State Service for Mobilization and Conscription in the Republic of Azerbaijan, who study at the graduate class or have full secondary education and male citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan between ages of 17 and 19 (but not 19).
Applicants must be tested in accordance with the standards set by the Ministry of Internal Affairs at the physical training, military doctrine and mandate committees established at the Headquarters of the Internal Troops. The list of applicants successfully passing the test and relevant examinations is sent to the State Students Admission Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan for participation in the admission exams.
The exams are held in test mode on 4th group subjects in Azerbaijani and Russian languages.
All organizational measures, documents, time, place and other conditions related to the admission exams are determined by the State Students Admission Commission and the applicants must follow the announcements posted on the Commission's website or the media.
Entrants admitted to the Higher Military School of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are provided with state uniform costumes, dormitories and food. The lessons are taught in Azerbaijani, the education period is 4 years.
Graduates are assigned to the proper positions in the Internal Troops by giving a qualification of “Physical Training and Pre-recruitment Preparation Teacher" and a military rank “Lieutenant”. Those with a dual citizenship, who have obligations to other states, who are required to go to military service in April and July of the current year, religious figures, who have been incapable of action or have been deemed limited by the decision of the court, who have been convicted of premeditated crimes, as well as applicants who have been dismissed without a justification for criminal proceedings and who do not comply with other conditions for admission to service in the Internal Troops are not admitted to the Higher Military School of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
Candidates must personally submit the following documents to the Headquarters of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for admission to the Higher Military School of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs:
- Identity card and birth certificate (original and certified copy);
- Reference on studying at the final grade of the educational institution or full secondary education certificate (original and certified copy of the certificate) for submission to the headquarters of the Internal Troops;
- Certificate of health from the medical institution of the place of residence for submission to the Headquarters of the Internal Troops;
- Certificate of first military registration (original and certified copy);
- A statement issued by the educational institution for submission to the headquarters of the Internal Troops;
- 2 pieces of 9x12cm, 4x6cm photographs (without caps, colored, on dull paper).
Reception of applications and documents will take place from March 1 to April 10 (except Sunday and holidays) from 10:00 to 17:00 every day.
The Higher Military School of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is a special-purpose educational institution that carries out preparation of highly qualified military staff for the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Internal Troops of the Republic of Azerbaijan, training of officers and master sergeants, as well as carrying out of scientific-research works.
The Higher Military School of Internal Troops carries out trainings on the specialty of "Physical Education and Pre-recruitment Preparation Teacher".
Teaching at the Higher Military School is conducted in accordance with the European Credit Transfer System requirements applicable in Europe. The term of education is four years.
Specialist and scientific-pedagogical personnel training at the Higher Military School is at the Bachelor's level.
Bachelor's degree is the first level of higher education. At the level of undergraduate education, highly qualified specialists are trained on the basis of full secondary education programs. Graduates of the Higher Military School are given the higher degree of professional qualification “bachelor’s degree”, diploma, badge, third Mastership Degree and the military rank “lieutenant” by the decree of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
Graduates of the Higher Military School are expected to be provided with the following specialties: Military specialty - "Higher special military officer"
Vocational qualification - bachelor's degree on “Physical Education and Pre-recruitment Preparation Teacher”.
A total of 7200 hours of lessons and practical training were provided during 4 years of education.
The cadets are provided with food, special uniform, dormitory and scholarship during the study period.
The school year begins in September and is divided into two semesters, which ends with the exam session. Each semester consists of 20 weeks. 30 credits are defined for one semester.
The main purpose of the Higher Military School's training and education for every cadet is to prepare commander:
- who has leadership, management, commanding qualities;
- who loves their specialty, has gained qualities such as courage, selflessness, integrity, honesty, fair thinking;- who has the ability to maintain a high level of combat readiness of the team they lead;
- who fulfills the assigned tasks with high quality and in timely manner within the competence given to them;
- who has knowledge and practical skills, able to organize and manage combat operations of military units (divisions) as well as to organize and manage special operations, to effectively use and repair the weapons and military equipment, to train the personnel, to ensure the strict compliance with rules of law;
- who has the qualities of being loyal to the homeland, the state, statehood, as well as to the military oath, and the endurance to the difficulties of military service, able to execute the laws of the Republic of Azerbaijan and to the requirements of military regulations unconditionally and able to pass these to the squad;
- who has higher military - professional qualities, executive capacity, ability to withstand all the difficulties of military service, and capable of fulfilling the order, even at the expense of life;
- who has a high level of professionalism, appropriate military culture and military ethics, who has a profound knowledge of the subject, who can solve the challenges in military service in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations, and able to train the personnel in the spirit of patriotism;
- capable of identifying the task analysis and training assignments of the division he leads, preparing the training program based on the commands of the superior commander, who can organize the training sessions and teach at a high level.
- And the purpose of the education at the Military School of the Internal Troops is to prepare the cadets at the level of platoon commander and divisional commander.
Training at the Khizi Training Center is aimed at strengthening theoretical knowledge of cadets (trainees), enhancing their practical skills, acquiring methods of managing departments in close proximity to combat conditions, as well as ensuring perfectly mastered weapons and techniques.
The following aspects are also taken into consideration when planning the training:
- giving the cadets the opportunity to be trained in accordance with the requirements of the Internal Troops and the requirements of the time; showing them where, when and how they can use their knowledge; paying attention of preparing the trainees as a competent and skilled military officer during the education and organizing systematically individual and group work.
Among the members of the Internal Troops, Tural Huseynov is one of the servicemen who are distinguished by their discipline, high combat readiness and exemplary service. He was awarded the first place among graduates by successfully completing the 11th semester course for the master sergeants of the Higher Military School of the Interior Troops on 6 June.
The master sergeant Tural Migadil oglu Huseynov was born on January 8, 1990 in Garabaghlar village of Salyan region. In 2008-2009, he served a periodically active military service at the Internal Troops. He was awarded a military rank “Sergeant” by graduating from the course on preparing a minor commanding officer in the N military unit in Hajigabul during his service. Since September 2012 he started serving as a military serviceman at the military unit.
The master sergeant T. Huseynov is currently performing his duties as one of the group commanders, who are well-known for his knowledge and ability. For his high discipline and exemplary service, he was repeatedly rewarded by the Commander of the Internal Troops as well as the Commander of the Military Unit.
As a military servant of the Internal Troops, always being distinguished from his colleagues by his knowledge and abilities, positive qualities, Tural, being faithful to this “tradition”, has successfully completed the 11th year of course on preparation of the master seargant of the Higher Military School of the Internal Troops. Among the graduates representing various military units of the troops he was awarded the first place.
The master sergeant T. Huseynov's desire is to continue serving as officer among the troops in the future. Therefore, he constantly works on himself, striving to increase his knowledge and skills.
We congratulate T. Huseynov, who has won the first place by representing our military unit decently during the terms of course, and wish success in his service. We are proud of our military servicemen.
On June 10, there was an event on the theme “The heroic examples of military units during the war for the territorial integrity of the Republic of Azerbaijan” for the cadets and the staff at the Higher Military School of Internal Troops on the initiative of the War Veterans and International Armed Forces Public Union of the Republic of Azerbaijan (WVIAFPU).
Colonel Sahib Babayev, deputy head of the Higher Military School's Education Department, welcomed the initiative of the WVIAFPU during his speech and said that the implementation of such a project was of utmost importance for the cadets. He noted that it is our one of the main tasks to bring up the young generation in the patriotic spirit, and to form the fearlessness, courage, patriotism and ultimately love to the motherland in them. Colonel S.Babayev added that there is a great need for propaganda of heroism among military men and young people in order to strengthen our state and statehood.
Colonel Azizaga Ganizadeh, the chairman of the public association, who carry out the comparative analysis of the historical and contemporary combat operations, has noted that the events must be investigated regardless of the era and achievements and successes must be systematically delivered to the staff. Emphasizing that the Azerbaijani soldier was invincible in the Qarabagh war, the speaker said in his patriotic remarks: “the Azerbaijani soldier did not lose in the Qarabagh war, and it was an invalid policy of incompetent leaders who were defeated. It is a fact that the Azerbaijani soldier with strong moral and psychological qualities has a high level of combat readiness. That was the case at that time and even today.”
Later, other members of the public union made speeches on the military patriotism and a film reflecting the operations carried out for the freedom of our lands has been shown. It should be noted that this project, which was financed by the Council of State Support to Non-Governmental Organizations under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, was also implemented in higher educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Defense and State Border Service.
On 9 July, there was a ceremony on presenting the War Flag to the Higher Military School of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of the Internal Affairs and on the graduation of the graduates of the Secondary Military School.
The Minister of Internal Affairs, colonel- general Ramil Usubov attended the event. Firstly, the Minister of Internal Affairs was welcomed, and then the Deputy Minister, the Commander of the Internal Troops, Major General Shahin Mammadov reported to the Colonel-General Ramil Usubov about the readiness of the staff to the ceremony. The minister welcomed the staff, and congratulated them on the occasion of the remarkable event. After a minute-long silence for the memory of national leader Heydar Aliyev and martyrs who died in the battles for the Motherland, the ceremony was announced open. The Minister of Internal Affairs presented the war flag, issued by the decree of the President of the country, to the Chief of the Higher Military School, the Major-General Ilgar Mammadov. Azerbaijan's national anthem was played.
On behalf of graduates, Lieutenant Nurlan Mammadov expressed gratitude to the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the pedagogical staff of the Higher Military School for the excellent education they received during their academy period, the necessary knowledge and practical skills, for their high attention and care and promised them to justify their trust in the practical activities.
Deputy Minister - Internal Troops’ Commander, Major-General Shahin Mammadov pointed out that significant steps were taken in the direction of raising the national military staff in our republic, and the Secondary Military School of the Internal Troops was established eight years ago by the order of the President of the country, Ilham Aliev. He said that the staff at the Secondary Military School, which already has fourth graduation, has demonstrated their commitment to the military traditions of the Internal Troops by constant maintenance of combat readiness of military units and divisions, and not denying their knowledge and skills in fulfilling the tasks assigned to them. In order to further strengthen the personnel potential, the Higher Military School of the Internal Troops was established on the basis of the Secondary Military School, by the decree of the head of state on 25 February 2011. It was noted that the Higher Military School has been fully provided with all the necessary conditions and material and logistical educational base in a short period of time due to the special control and care of the management of the MIA, and personally of the Minister, the quality of the lessons, the practical and the field trainings taught here during the past period was satisfactory, and met the demands of the day. The rapporteur also expressed his gratitude to the Central Headquarters of the Military Police of the Republic of Turkey for the assistance provided to the professional staff training and special efforts in this direction.
Later, the Minister of Internal Affairs, Colonel-General Ramil Usubov conveyed congratulations and good wishes of the President, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces Mr. Ilham Aliyev. The minister stressed with great satisfaction that national leader Heydar Aliyev attached great importance to the improvement of the Internal Troops during the army building; that it has developed under the special attention and care of the Great Leader, and has become a professional and mobile organization with high combat readiness. Mr. Ramil Usubov noted that the worthy successor of the National Leader, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev constantly takes care of the improvement of the Internal Troops, which is an integral part of the Armed Forces, and raises the level of professionalism of the Armed Forces, in general, evaluates the combat readiness of the Armed Forces as one of the main directions of the state policy. As a result of special attention and care of the demands and instructions of the dear President, today's Internal Troops are able to carry out any combat task put forward properly. It is no coincidence that the Internal Troops remain vigilant in guarding national interests and have become one of the main forces in maintaining the inner stability of the country. The minister of Internal Affairs specifically highlighted the role of the Turkish Armed Forces, including the Central Headquarters of the Military Police in the formation of the professional staff of the Internal Troops, and thanked the Internal Troops Command for high combat readiness of the personnel.
The Minister emphasized that the Internal Troops have shown heroism in protecting our lands and that it has hundreds of martyrs, demonstrated persistence in the maintenance of the independence and internal stability in our country in the further years, and has high professionalism and moral and psychological training. He said that the visit of the President of the country, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Ilham Aliyev to the military units repeatedly, his close interest in the social and living conditions of the personnel and his care promotes the rise of the military spirit of servicemen, and increases their service determination to the motherland and the people. The selfless labor of the personnel, distinguished in the protection of public order and the fulfillment of the tasks assigned, is always appreciated by the head of the state, and military servants are conferred on various state awards.
It was noted that in the recent years a number of purposeful measures have been undertaken to strengthen the material and technical base of the Internal Troops. Landscaping work has been carried out in Baku garrison, as well as military units in the regions, new military camps, including military barracks have been constructed, housing complexes for officers and master sergeants have been put into operation.
In the end, the Minister of Internal Affairs appreciated Mr. Ilham Aliyev, the President and the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Azerbaijan, for his high appraisal of the personnel, and assured him that the Internal Troops will fulfill the all assigned duties and the tasks with the high level, and will justify the high attention and great confidence with the faithful service to the people, motherland, state an the President.
Then graduates received diplomas. Lieutenant Seymur Mehraliyev, who graduated from the school with honor diploma, has added his memorable plaque to the “Memory Stump”. The official part of the event ended with a solemn walk of the staff in front of the tribune under the sounds of the march of the "Higher Military School".
On September 12, there was solemn inauguration ceremony of the cadets at the Higher Military School of Internal Troops for the first time. The event began with a report of the Chief of the Higher Military School, Major-General Ilgar Mammadov to the Deputy Minister of the Internal Affairs, the Commander of the Internal Troops about the readiness of the staff for the ceremony. Later, the memory of National Leader Heydar Aliyev, as well as military servicemen martyred for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of our country, was commemorated with a minute of silence, and then the national anthem was played.
After the cadets were brought to the military oath, the chief of the school, Major-General I.Mammadov, who made the first speech, stated that the officer profession is one of the most honorable professions by evaluating the day as a remarkable event in the history of the Supreme Military School. He noted that the officer, along with serving the Motherland, requires uniting the features such as patriotism, bravery, educated and fairness. The commander and teacher staff of the Higher Military School will work hard to instill these qualities with future officers.
During the speech, it was emphasized that the material and technical education base and living conditions that meet the highest standards has been established in the Higher Military School for the training of the cadets, and that the renovation works will be continued. Speaking about the fact that the Interior Troops were fully equipped with modern weapons and equipment, Major-General I. Mammadov expressed confidence that the future officers would also say their words in releasing our lands from the enemy's occupation.
Cadet Khayal Zeynalov, in his turn, promised to protect his homeland as his eyesight, and if needed, they will self-sacrifice and be worthy of the officer’s oath.
Speaking on behalf of parents, Ilgar Maharramov congratulated all parents and wished success to all cadets on this cordial, but holy and glorious path. He called them to master the military knowledge excellently, and to fulfill properly all orders given by Mr. Ilham Aliyev, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces and to serve the country faithfully.
Later, Deputy Minister of the Internal Affairs, Commander of the Internal Troops, Major General Shahin Mammadov, expressing his congratulations and recommendations, congratulated the cadets on the occasion of the Military Oath Day, and said that as all staff, they are responsible for every task put forward by the leadership of the country. Emphasizing the care of the President of the Republic, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Mr. Ilham Aliyev in the further consolidation and strengthening of the Internal Troops, the Commander of the Internal Troops said that this attention inspired each soldier to carry out his duties with great enthusiasm.
Major General Shamil Mammadov once more at the end said that he believes that the young people who recently joined the ranks of the troops would always be able to serve our country with a sense of loyalty, acquire perfect military knowledge and protect our state, and will not deny their knowledge and skills for further strengthening, prosperity and development of our country.
Major-General Nevzat Tasdelen, military attaché of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Turkey in the Republic of Azerbaijan attended the solemn ceremony.
The event ended with the performance of the Higher Military School's anthem after the solemn march of the personnel.
The opening ceremony of the 2014-2015 academic years was held at the Higher Military School of Internal Troops of the Ministry of the Internal Affairs, on 15 September.
Firstly, the memory of National Leader Heydar Aliyev, as well as military servicemen martyred for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of our country, was commemorated with a minute of silence, and then the national anthem was played.
Making speech at the event, the Chief of the Higher Military School, Major-General Ilgar Mammadov delivered congratulations and advices of the Deputy Minister of the Internal Affairs, Commander of the Internal Troops, Major General Shahin Mammadov to the staff, pedagogical collective, as well as to the first year cadets of the Higher Military School because of the opening of the new academic year.
It was noted in the congratulation that there is nothing honorable than to serve to the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the independent Azerbaijan which was established by the Great Leader Heydar Aliyev and further strengthened by the President of the Republic, Mr. Ilham Aliyev. It is not only possible to protect homeland by loving it, but it also requires professionalism: “All conditions have been created in the Higher Military School of the Internal Troops, which is covered by the President's care and attention for you, cadets, in order to raise as the professional officers. Each teacher, the commander understands their responsibility before our state, and fulfills the tasks assigned to them in good faith.
In the congratulation note where the trust to the staff of the military school is expressed, the Commander of the Internal Troops once again congratulated the staff sincerely and wished them successes and achievements in the new academic year.
Opening Ceremony has ended after the solemn march of the staff. It should be noted that the first lesson of the new academic year was conducted by the Chief of the Higher Military School. Detailed information about the history of the Internal Troops of the MIA, the period of formation, heroic examples of war in Garabagh, as well as the tasks facing the troops were given to the cadets.
UNFORGETTABLE MOMENTS In 2014, one more institution was added to the list of higher education institutions of the country. The doors of the Higher Military School of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan, which was established by the decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated on 25 February 2011 and approved by the decree dated on 09 July 2012, were opened to our young people who wish to engage in military art.
This Higher Military School, established to train professional officers for the Internal Troops, began to be distinguished for its emphasis on the internal discipline, the quality of teaching and learning, and the spiritual and psychological training of the cadets from the very first day.
Despite the fact that only a few months have passed since the start of the activity, the Higher Military School's pedagogical staff has provided a number of training materials, propaganda and educational books, and presented them to the cadets.
An officer is a guardian of the high level of military service. In order to achieve this, the scientific-theoretical, tactical-technical, physical training of future commanders is not enough, but their moral-psychological condition must also be in line with the requirements of modern times. It is necessary to use the opportunities of modern ICTs, press, television, cinema and theater to bring officers as citizens of high moral quality who love their land, state and the people. To succeed in this, the Higher Military School administration has begun the implementation of this important work by planning the cadets' meeting with academics, writers, art figures, and war and armed forced veterans under the instruction of the Commander of the Internal Troops.
On 19 December 2014, the first cadets of the Higher Military School of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan met with warrior-poet Elkhan Khazar, a laureate of the Golden Pen Award, a member of the Writers and Journalists' Union of Azerbaijan, second-degree war invalid, well-known educator and psychologist.
The veteran friends of the poet - chairman of Veterans Council of Internal Troops Murad Mursalov, deputy chairman Telman Aslanov, members of the council: Safkhan Bayramov, Mehrali Shamkhalov, Alikhan Bunyatov and Yalchin Abbasov also came to attend the meeting with cadets.
Colonel Sahib Babayev, who opened the meeting, spoke about the importance of intellectuals, scholars, poets and writers' meetings with young people, especially those who chose the military field, stressing that such events play an important role in raising the personnel morale and psychological state. He noted that meetings with Elkhan Khazar, one of the well-known creative people, have a bigger value, as Elkhan is not only a good speaker but also veteran of the Internal Troops. For some time, he served in the military structure. He attended in the battles in Aghdara region from August 1992 to March 1993 and was injured twice. Elkhan Khazar, deputy commander of the military service in the military unit headed by Anvar Arazov, who later became the National Hero of Azerbaijan, was at the forefront of successful operations and participated in the liberation of more than 10 settlements. He has inspired soldiers to battle with poems he wrote while in the front. The poetic samples in the book published in 1993 under the name of “Songs in trench” are the product of that period.
Now, poet’s more than 20 books have been published, and many of them are in the use of soldiers and officers as the most valuable educating means in the libraries of the military units. Colonel S.Babayev said that he waits patiently for each meeting and makes some preparations. At this meeting, some of the cadets presented examples of Elkhan Khazar's poems to the event participants.
Then he gave a floor to the war veteran, military journalist Yalchin Abbasov to talk on Elkhan's life and creativity. Y.Abbasov gave a detailed report on the life and career of the military-poet, battle life, his creative way of life, and his decent place in the republican veteran movement.
The cadets of the Higher Military School read the Elkhan Khazar’s poems such as “Turk has everything”, “Who will do if not we”, “The warrior's song”, “ Nijat is at the battle”, “Now time for bravery”, “Let everyone know”.
Lieutenant Colonel Murad Mursalov, chairman of the Veterans Council of the Internal Troops, recalled his memories about his poet friend and read poetry dedicated to Elkhan Khazar.
Later, the warrior-poet Elkhan Khazar made a speech in front of the participants of the event, gave advice and recommendations to the cadets, expressed his wishes and desires, read examples of poems included in different books.
Summing up the meeting, Major General Ilgar Mammadov praised the activity of Elkan Khazar, thanked him for meeting with the cadets, and expressed confidence that the opinions voiced by poets and veterans would have a positive impact on the moral and psychological training of the cadets. He said that Elkhan Khazar has been awarded with the “Honorary Decree” and presented the prize to the poet under the applause of the event participants.
At the end of the meeting, Elkan Khazar presented samples of some of his books published in various years and took memorable photos with the cadets.
These words have been said by the Major-General Shahin Mammadov at the meeting with the cadets of the Higher Military School.
On 23 January, the Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs, Commander of Internal Troops Major-General Shahin Mammadov met with cadets at the High Military School of the Internal Troops. Initially, he was interested in the conditions created for the training of cadets in the Higher Military School and gave instructions on the School's prospective development plan. The Commander of Internal Troops was informed that classrooms, including training facilities, were equipped with all the necessary equipment for the quality of the training.
Then the Commander of Internal Troops made a speech before the officers and teachers and expressed his demands and recommendations.
Emphasizing that it is a great honor to be the cadet of the Higher Military School of the Internal Troops, Major General Shamil Mammadov especially noted that construction and reconstruction works will be continued further in this military training center having all conditions which was established under the certain decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Mr. Ilham Aliyev, and the necessary measures will be taken to prepare the future military personnel. Additionally, he said that the construction of objects of great importance in the future will be continued in order to increase the effectiveness of training and to improve the social and living conditions of the personnel, according to the instruction of the Minister of Internal Affairs, Colonel General Ramil Usubov. During the speech, it was emphasized that the cadet of the Internal Troops must be disciplined, patriotic, must master military knowledge, and strictly adhere to the requirements and tasks of the teaching staff, commander's staff.
The Commander of the Internal Troops summed up his speech with these thoughts: "I believe that the cadets of the Internal Troops, who are loyal to our statehood, a purely convinced, sober-minded, and love the military art, will achieve great success in their future work.”
At the end of the meeting, questions, that caterers were interested in, were answered in detail.
Sincere friendship and cooperation between the relevant bodies of the two brother countries are successfully continued.
A delegation led by Major General Metin Alpcan, Deputy Chief of Staff at the 2nd Army Command of the Turkish Armed Forces, visited the Higher Military School of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on May 27.
Deputy Commander of the Internal Troops of the Internal Troops, the chief of the Department of the Special Staff, Major-General Vidadi Aliyev had received a delegation of senior officers from the Turkish Armed Forces and other military units.
Welcoming the guests, Major-General V.Aliyev spoke about the friendship and cooperation relations between the Armed Forces of the Republic of Turkey, as well as the Central Headquarters of the Military Police and the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Noting that the existing relations between the two organizations continue to be closer, Major-General Aliyev especially noted the important activities of the officers of the Turkish Armed Forces, who are at service at the Internal Troops, in the development of the training process.
At the meeting on the basis of mutual exchange of views, he emphasized that the Internal Troops of the Ministry of the Internal Affairs play an important role in maintaining internal security and protecting public order jointly with law enforcement agencies in the Republic of Azerbaijan.
Expressing gratitude for the hospitable reception, Major-General M.Alpcan said that he was satisfied with his visit to Azerbaijan and noted that they have watched the development path of the Internal Troops and the success they have gained during the past years.
Then a large-scale briefing was held about the Higher Military School of Internal Troops.
The memorable photo was taken at the end of the meeting.
It should be noted that the delegation was also familiarized with the training process of the cadets and the conditions created for them.
There was inauguration ceremony of the cadets who were admitted to the Higher Military School of the Internal Troops, on 13 September. The First Deputy of the Commander of the Internal Troops, Chief of the Headquarter, Major General Shirin Khalilov, the Counselor of the Commander of the Internal Troops, Colonel Aziz Altintepe, the members of the Veterans Council, parent of the cadets and community members attended the ceremony.
The event began with bringing the War Flag of the Higher Military School to the square. Chief of the Higher Military School, Major-General Ilgar Mammadov reported to the First Deputy Commander of the Internal Troops, Chief of Staff Major General Sh. Khalilov on the readiness of the staff to attend the ceremony.
The memory of National Leader Heydar Aliyev, as well as military servicemen martyred for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of our country, was commemorated with a minute of silence, and then the national anthem was played.
Chief of the school Major-General I.Mammadov made a speech after the cadets made the military oath. Appreciating the oath ceremony as a remarkable event, it was noted that the profession of officer is one of the most honorable professions. He noted that the officer, along with serving the Motherland, requires uniting the features such as patriotism, bravery, educated and fairness. The commander and teacher staff of the Higher Military School will work hard to instill these qualities with future officers.
During the speech, the chief of the school emphasized that the material and technical education base and living conditions that meet the highest standards has been established in the Higher Military School and the trainings will be provided by the professional military teachers. He expressed confidence that the future officers would also justify the trust shown to them.
In his speech, the cadet Shaban Hajiyev swearing on the sacred banner on behalf of his comrades said that they all promised that they would sacrifice their lives if needed and always try to be worthy of the officer.
Speaking on behalf of the parents, Suleiman Guliyev congratulated all parents and urged them to stand up for every cadet on this sacred and glorious path. He also noted to the participants of the ceremony that along with the cadets, every parent is ready to fulfill the orders of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Mr. Ilham Aliyev, decently, as the soldier of the land.
Attending the event, the Major-General Sh.Halilov warmly congratulated the cadets on the occasion of the military oath day and gave them his advices. The Major-General Khalilov, who said he was a cadet 40 years ago, stressed that he is proud of seeing the cadets of the independent state of Azerbaijan today making an oath. He also noted that from now on, the cadets are responsible for every task put forward as all the staff of the Troops. Emphasizing the care of the President of the Republic, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces Mr. Ilham Aliyev in the development of the Internal Troops, the Chief of the Staff of the Internal Troops said that this attention inspired each soldier to carry out his duties with great enthusiasm.
Afterwards, the a letter of congratulation of the Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs, the Commander of Internal Troops, Lieutenant-General Shahin Mammadov was handed to the staff. It was noted that all the cadets as all the staff of the Troops will do their best to fulfill each task put forward by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces Mr. Ilham Aliyev, and will strive for further consolidation and strengthening of the ranks of the Internal Troops. The letter of congratulation also expressed confidence that the hearts of our young people who entered our ranks would always be fired by the love of Motherland; they would carry out their service with high quality, as well as would not deny their selfless service.
The event ended with the performance of the anthem of the Supreme Military School by the cadets after the solemn march ceremony of the staff.
On October 2, a ceremonial event was held in connection with the launch of the thirteenth stage of the “Training Course of the Master Sergeant” of the Higher Military School of Internal Troops.
The event started with commemoration of the memory of national leader Heydar Aliyev and of our military servicemen martyred for the sovereignty, territorial integrity of the republic with a minute of silence. State anthem was performed.
The chief of the Higher Military School, Major-General Ilgar Mammadov, was given speech to deliver his message of congratulation. Noting the successful completion of the Training Course of the Master Sergeant, the Chief of the Higher Military School said that during this period, special attention was paid to the quality of education, the more rigorous adoption of the charter and military discipline by the servicemen, and the development of the level of their knowledge.
Major-General I.Mammadov expressed confidence that the master sergeants who completed the course would use the knowledge gained in the military units to continue their service and that they will justify the trust of the teachers and commanders on them.
Then, the Chief of the Higher Military School issued the certificated to the graduates who completed the course with excellent marks and were awarded 1st, 2nd and 3rd places.
Making a speech on behalf of the graduates, the master sergeant Alisuvar Hasanov also noted that during the course every soldier was treated with special care and attention both by teachers and commanders. He further noted that they would faithfully serve to the homeland, the people, the state, and will fulfill all the tasks entrusted to them honestly and with responsibility.
The event ended with by adding the plate with his name to the “Memory Stump” by the Master Sergeant A.Hasanov on behalf of the thirteenth stage of the “Training Course of the Master Sergeants”.
The Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs, the Commander of Internal Troops, Lieutenant-General Shahin Mammadov met with cadets studying at the Higher Military School of Internal Troops.
Speaking about the exceptional importance of the military education system in further strengthening the Armed Forces of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Lieutenant-General Sh.Mammadov said that focusing on improving the quality of teaching and learning is one of the most important requirements of the day.
Noting that theoretical and practical training at the Higher Military School of Internal Troops is being carried out by professional staff, the Commander said that the goal is to increase the knowledge and skills of the cadets and to improve their qualifications.
He added that the staff of the Internal Troops covered by special attention and care of the President of the Republic, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces Mr. Ilham Aliyev is provided with all conditions. He also noted that, despite all this, work is ongoing in further improvement of the social and living conditions of servicemen.
Lieutenant-General Sh.Mammadov noted the importance of unconditional fulfillment of the tasks arising from the duties also spoke about the responsibility of the military profession, in particular the officer's honor. He noted that the Officer of Internal Troops who was brought up in the spirit of love to the Motherland and the people should not deny his knowledge and skills for strengthening the state and statehood and further strengthening, development and prosperity of our country, and if required, should be ready to sacrifice himself on this glorious path.
At the end of the meeting, the Commander of the Internal Troops responded to the questions of the cadets and listened to their wishes and desires.
Later, Lieutenant-General Sh.Mammadov, who was acquainted with the organization, conduct and quality of the educational process at the Higher Military School, attended a lunch with cadets.
On 22January, the two-day World Championships and Paralympics champion, six-time European champion, winner of the first European Games held in Baku, Ilham Zakiyev met with the cadets, at the Higher Military School of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
Opening the ceremony, Chief of the Higher Military School, Major-General Ilgar Mammadov welcomed the honorary guest and expressed his satisfaction with the meeting and noted that I.Zakiyev does not need the presentation. He also noted that the life and activity of Ilham, who we know as the country’s brave son, patriot of the land and professional athlete is an example for all of us, both for our cadets and for the pedagogical collective. Major-General I.Mammadov added that intelligence and iron will of the Garabagh disabled who lost his sight in the battles for the integrity of our lands will be a true example for future officers. He stressed with great pride that he bow before every person, as well as I.Zakiyev, who is ready to pass on his health for the sake of the Motherland.
Then, the organizer of the meeting, Professor Hanifa Gurbanov spoke about the importance of the meeting of the Higher Military School staff, as well as the cadets with such heroic people, adding that these events lead to a further rise of the patriotism. Reminding that the opening of the I European Games hosted by our country was dedicated to I.Zakiyev, the professor characterized this as a high confidence of our state to his heroes.
The event demonstrated the battle path and the success stories of our hero who has repeatedly raised our tricolor, moon-and-star flag at the international tournaments.
The speech was given to I.Zakiev. He talked about the advantages of this profession, saying he was feeling great joy at meeting with the servicemen. He said that there is not anything more honorable in life than to serve to Motherland, the people and the state. Ilham Zakiyev, who considers himself as a soldier of the country even today, firmly stated that even though his mission as a military officer was terminated, he will continue his mission as an athlete.
Speaking about the firm victories in the competitions, he noted that the final round of the European games was especially memorable in his life: “This round which ended with the victory on June 26 had coincided with the establishment day of the Azerbaijani Armed Forces. At a decisive round, I came face-to-face with a very strong, professional athlete. Frankly, it was not easy to beat him. But there was no other way - just a victory, as I had to justify the confidence of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief. So it was, I finished the round with victory and when the president congratulated me, I said: Mr. Supreme Commander-in-Chief, soldier Zakiev fulfilled the mission successfully”.
Our athlete who wished success to all servicemen in the service answered the questions of the cadets after the performance.
At the end of the meeting, Prof. H.Gasimov and I. Zakiyev were awarded with “Honorary Decree” by Major General I. Mammadov.
Examinations have been carried out under the strict supervision of experienced staff.
Today, the training of the highly qualified military personnel, raising the qualifications of officers and master sergeants, as well as carrying out scientific-research works are realized with success at the Higher Military School of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The results obtained by the cadets involved in the semester examinations as a result of the training process also give ground to say this.
Major Gubar Gurbanov, Head of the Evaluation unit of the Education department gave detailed information on the training process at the Higher Military School, involvement of the cadets studying here to the exams, as well as the preparatory work on the eve of the exam.
Major G.Gurbanov noted that the training is conducted in accordance with European Credit Transfer System requirements applicable in Europe. He noted that today the training process is being adapted to the requirements of the modern education system at the Higher Military School of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, established under the Order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated on 25 February 2011.
He said the lessons start on September 15 and last 15 weeks. He noted that the staff will be examined after the preparatory work for the first semester examinations to be held with the 1st and 2nd course cadets of the Officer Preparatory Teaching Battalion for the 2015-2016 academic year. The examination is held under the relevant order of the Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs - Commander of the Internal Troops on “Organization of assessment of the cadets’ knowledge with multi-point system”.
The maximum number of points that a cadet, studying at the Higher Military School, can collect on any subject during a semester is 100. Half of this is for the semester, and the other half is based on the interim assessment results. In terms of the semester, assessment of the knowledge of the cadets is determined by the collection of results. Minimum amount of passage score is 51 points.
The cadets of the first course are involved to the exams in form of tests in 11 subjects, except for Informatics. Exams on Informatics are practically implemented. Unlike the first course, all exams of the second course are conducted by testing. The time for examinations in both courses is 50 minutes. In the exam, supervisory teachers monitor the cadets strictly following the established rules, as well as to ensure that the examination process is fully transparent. Each of the questions in the exam tickets consists of 25 questions, each with two points. After reading the terms of the questionnaire, the cadets will write down on the answer card the answers they deem are correct. Upon completion of the exam, the answer cards are checked by the optical reader in the evaluation section. The final analysis is conducted on the subject and the interest rate is determined. The cadets are familiarized to the exam's results. Cadets with weak results are involved additionally in three-day workshops. Then, they can again pass the exam. The goal is to increase the level of knowledge of the cadets.
The preparation of officers with a comprehensive knowledge by the experienced staff of the Military School gives the reason to say that the Internal Troops will be able to overcome any task that is put forward.
On April 27, the management board National Defense University of Islamic Republic of Pakistan and 17 members of the “National Security and War course” visited the Higher Military School of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
The Chief of the Higher Military School, Major General Ilgar Mammadov, welcomed the guests and spoke about the existing friendly relations between our country and the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, noting that cooperation has been successfully implemented in many areas.
At the meeting on the basis of mutual exchange of views, it was emphasized that the military-technical cooperation between the relevant bodies of the two countries is successfully continued today.
Later, the guests were informed in detail about the history of the Internal Troops, the way of war and development, examples of heroism, the current development of the troops, as well as the organization of training in the Higher Military School, and the comprehensive conditions created for the cadets.
Expressing gratitude for the sincere and hospitable welcome, the guests emphasized their confidence that mutual friendship and cooperation would continue to develop.
A memorable photo was taken with guest at the end of the meeting.
Congratulation letter from the Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs- Commander of Internal Troops on this occasion was delivered to the cadets
There was an inauguration ceremony of the cadets who were admitted to the Higher Military School of Internal Troops this year. The Deputy of the Commander of Internal Troops, Chief of the Staff Major-General Vidadi Aliyev, Army Officers in the Troops of the Republic of Turkey, members of Veterans Council, parents of cadets and community members attended the ceremony.
The event began with bringing the War Flag of the Higher Military School to the square.
The memory of National Leader Heydar Aliyev, as well as military servicemen martyred for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of our country, was commemorated with a minute of silence, and then the national anthem was played in accompany of the Exemplary Military Orchestra of the Internal Troops.
Then the chief of the Higher Military School, Major-General I. Mammadov, recalled the meaning of the military oath, honorary and responsible duties of the cadets who oathed in loyalty to their land, the Republic of Azerbaijan and the government of Azerbaijan, as well as the requirements of the relevant articles of the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
Later new cadets of the Higher Military School promised to follow the requirements of the honorable and responsible positions, the Armed Forces Charter, as well as the relevant articles of the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
In his speech, the cadet Bayram Mammadzade swearing on the sacred banner on behalf of his comrades said that they all promised that they would sacrifice their lives if needed and always try to be worthy of the officer.
Speaking on behalf of the parents, Azad Atayev congratulated all parents and urged them to stand up for every cadet on this sacred and glorious path. He also noted that along with the cadets, every parent is ready to fulfill the orders of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Mr. Ilham Aliyev, decently, as the soldier of the land.
A member of the Veterans Council of the Internal Troops, Elkhan Khazar, a warrior-poet, congratulated the cadets and said poems full of patriotism.
Then the speech was given to Major-General V. Aliyev. He proclaimed a congratulatory message from the Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs, Commander of the Internal Troops, to the cadets on the occasion of military service. Congratulations noted that the cadets will do their best to fulfill each assignment set by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Mr. Ilham Aliyev, as the whole staff of the Internal Troops, and will strive for further consolidation and strengthening of the ranks of the Internal Troops. It was also noted with the conviction that the new cadets will carry out their combat service missions more efficiently, will not refuse their selfless service for the further strengthening of our state and statehood, and their hearts beating with loyalty will be filled with love for the Motherland.
The event completed with the solemn march of the staff.
The cadets studying at the Higher Military School of Internal Troops are our future. All the necessary work is being done at the Higher Military School for them to grow up as a perfectly prepared officer. The management and staff of the Higher Military School, along with the professionalism of the cadets, also pay special attention to moral-psychological preparation and patriotic beliefs in them. In this regard, in the past few years, close ties have been established and joint events have been organized between the Higher Military School and the Veterans Council of the Internal Troops. Our organization contributes to the training of cadets in the spirit of honorable traditions.
On 24 December, a group of veterans of the Internal Troops was the guest of the Higher Military School. Chairman of the Veterans Council of Internal Troops Murad Mursalov, deputy chairman of the Veterans Council of Internal Troops Telman Aslanov, member of the Veterans Council of Internal Troops Vagif Nasibov, our veteran Mehrali Shamkhalov and the author of this post have been received by Major-General Ilgar Mammadov, Chief of the Higher Military School. He expressed his pleasure of seeing the veterans at the Higher Military School again. He noted that veterans are proud of Internal Troops. Stating that there is always need for their experience in the service, and their close participation in the upbringing process, Major-General I.Mammadov highly appreciated the work done by the Veterans Council.
During the talk, the features of the teaching process at the Higher Military School, the commitment of military education to the issues arising from practical service, and the modern requirements for the training of cadets were discussed. At the end of the conversation, chairman of the Veterans Council M.Mursalov presented a book about the veterans of the Internal Troops, to the Major-General I. Mammadov.
Then we got acquainted with the activities of the Higher Military School. We have visted to the barracks, the training rooms, the canteen, and the medical station. It was a pleasant experience to observe internal order, neatness, military ethics and other positive aspects.
We then had a meeting with the cadets. The meeting was opened by Major Surkhay Gulmammadov, the Deputy Chief of the Education Department of the Higher Military School. The memory of national leader Heydar Aliyev and martyrs was commemorated in a minute of silence. The State Anthem was played.
Chairman of the Veterans Council M.Mursalov made a speech at the event. He welcomed the cadets on behalf of the Internal Troops veterans and noted that such meetings were already a positive tradition. He said veterans did not refuse their help in the formation and development of the Internal Troops while in military service and today they fulfill an important public mission. Speaking about the work done by the Veterans Council for the military-patriotic education of the personnel, M.Mursalov touched upon the importance of preserving the spirit of struggle at the time when some of our lands being occupied and the importance of increasing the professionalism.
It was noted that thanks to the successful domestic and foreign policy of the President of the Republic, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces Mr. Ilham Aliyev, our country became a strong state of the region. We are witnessing crises, conflicts, and terror waves in other states. However, our country with strong statehood protects itself from these dangers. Internal Troops together with internal affairs bodies have stood firm in the guard of public order in our country.
M.Mursalov also shared his views on the moral qualities of the Internal Troops officer and on the points coming from the execution of the personal duties of the staff.
He wished the cadets success in their military education and to become selfless servants in the future.
Deputy Chairman of the Veterans Council of the Interior Troops, T.Aslanov, in his speech, talked about the glorious path passed by the military units of the Internal Troops. The veteran, who expressed his views on the training of officers who are the future of Internal Troops, stressed that working in education is an important factor. He called the cadets to always keep up the prestige of the Higher Military School they are studying, emphasizing the importance of the ethical conduct rules, the strict adherence to the requirements of military regulations, empathy for themselves, and advised them to perfectly master the secrets of weapons and techniques.
I also spoke at the event. I told to the cadets, who are the future officers, about the morale and psychological aspects of the military service and gave my advices on the characteristics of work with the staff. I noted that the Higher Military School is committed to a decent mission and we believe that we will be witnessing remarkable successes in the upcoming years.
The chief of the Higher Military School, Major-General I. Mammadov delivered a closing speech at the event and thanked the veterans for the meeting. He always mentioned the need for a veteran word.
Major General I.Mammadov underlined that the High Military School was surrounded with the attention and the care of the Minister of Internal Affairs and Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs, the Commander of Internal Troops. He also stated that in terms of educating professional officers for the Internal Troops, a modern training base has been created at the Higher Military School. According to him, the future development of the Internal Troops depends on those who have a national idea, patriotism, devotion to our statehood, capable of mastering military qualifications. The Higher Military School understands the responsibility of this important task and builds its activities in this direction.
At the end, Major-General I.Mammadov congratulated participants of the event on the upcoming 31 of December, World Azerbaijanis Solidarity Day and New Year.
Thus, the veterans left the Higher Military School with impressive mood and good impression.